FREE PORN: The wife was looking at the man and listening to all what he was saying. When he was done speaking she said " I have understood all what you have said but whether you are in this house by 8pm or not there'ld be sex in this house, is that understood" the husband stood there speechless
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. I looked over at her and she was down on the floor looking in the toilet and I saw her reach her hand in and get it wet with the water and my pee and she wiped it on her face and in her mouth… it looked like she was drinking the water. We spent several hours outside and we drank lots of bottled water and as we were finishing, dirty and sweaty and wet from all the work, it was shower time and time to do the laundry
"Ooooo, Daddy!" she crooned, stepping closer. She wheezed and jerked as I rolled it slowly
Over here. "Good! That's my nice, Daddy," she purred
FREE PORN: The wife was looking at the man and listening to all what he was saying. When he was done speaking she said " I have understood all what you have said but whether you are in this house by 8pm or not there'ld be sex in this house, is that understood" the husband stood there speechless
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. I looked over at her and she was down on the floor looking in the toilet and I saw her reach her hand in and get it wet with the water and my pee and she wiped it on her face and in her mouth… it looked like she was drinking the water. We spent several hours outside and we drank lots of bottled water and as we were finishing, dirty and sweaty and wet from all the work, it was shower time and time to do the laundry
"Ooooo, Daddy!" she crooned, stepping closer. She wheezed and jerked as I rolled it slowly
Over here. "Good! That's my nice, Daddy," she purred
FREE PORN: The wife was looking at the man and listening to all what he was saying. When he was done speaking she said " I have understood all what you have said but whether you are in this house by 8pm or not there'ld be sex in this house, is that understood" the husband stood there speechless
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. I looked over at her and she was down on the floor looking in the toilet and I saw her reach her hand in and get it wet with the water and my pee and she wiped it on her face and in her mouth… it looked like she was drinking the water. We spent several hours outside and we drank lots of bottled water and as we were finishing, dirty and sweaty and wet from all the work, it was shower time and time to do the laundry
"Ooooo, Daddy!" she crooned, stepping closer. She wheezed and jerked as I rolled it slowly
Over here. "Good! That's my nice, Daddy," she purred
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