It is his custom to test the limits of each slave within a day of receiving her and it often took hours
. He always used them hard the first time. Occasionally, if one of his slaves was extremely bad, he would give them to the handlers for the night
Sucking. . It was the first day of school and I had found my homeroom

It is his custom to test the limits of each slave within a day of receiving her and it often took hours
. He always used them hard the first time. Occasionally, if one of his slaves was extremely bad, he would give them to the handlers for the night
Sucking. . It was the first day of school and I had found my homeroom

It is his custom to test the limits of each slave within a day of receiving her and it often took hours
. He always used them hard the first time. Occasionally, if one of his slaves was extremely bad, he would give them to the handlers for the night
Sucking. . It was the first day of school and I had found my homeroom

Babes With Attitudes